Yoga Wellness

The Therapeutic Choice

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring?

For hygienic reasons it is suggested that you use your own yoga mat, however mats are provided at the studio.

Can I do a drop-in?

You are welcome to do a drop-in to experience one of the Yoga Wellness classes. Sessions are designed so there is a progression from one class to the next. Sessions also include a study that carries over all the classes, so it is recommended to register for an entire session for optimal results.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing that you feel movable in.

What if I miss a class?

Missed classes can be made up during the term, provided there is space available. Missed classes can also be carried over as extra classes if the following term is paid in full. Priority in any given class will be for those students registered in that class.

Should I contact someone if I am going to miss a class?

No, simply make up your missed classes according to your own schedule.

What can I expect from an individual therapy session?

An individual session will provide you with therapeutic practices that address your unique conditions on a structural, physiological and emotional level.