Yoga Wellness

The Therapeutic Choice

Plus-Size Classes

The Plus-Size Yoga Class provides a safe, non-competitive environment for like-bodied students to experience the benefits of yoga. This customized yoga practice for the overweight or obese student combines the Viniyoga methodology and tradition with Ayurveda practices and principles. Viniyoga is an ancient Sanskrit term that implies differentiation, adaptation and appropriate application of the teachings of yoga.

Yoga Wellness partnered with the Alberta Health Services Weight Wise Program in 2008 and continually receives referrals from medical professionals.

The class is adapted to accommodate the specific structural, physiological and emotional conditions unique to the overweight or obese individual.

Students must be able to get down to the floor with the aid of a chair.

Participants in a Yoga Wellness Plus-Size Class can expect to:

  • control or prevent illness related to obesity
  • enhance breath and body awareness
  • improve function, range of motion and balance
  • increase circulation
  • enhance flexibility
  • reduce pain
  • release chronic contraction
  • stabilize what is unstable and strengthen what is weak
  • experience relaxation through meditation

Plus-Size Classes include:

  • A refined art of sequencing to suit the intention and context of each practice
  • A focus on the function of a pose as opposed to form
  • Use of repetition in and out of the posture in addition to holding postures
  • The emphasis on breath as the medium for movement in posture and the science of adapting the pattern of breathing to produce different effects
  • Resting comfortably in a posture to deepen muscular release and rehabilitate connective tissue
  • Use of asymmetrical postures to protect the spine and rebalance muscle patterning
  • Focus on sequences to strengthen the muscular structure supporting the neck/shoulders, back and hips/pelvis
  • Self healing practices
  • Body knowledge and awareness techniques

Viniyoga means "appropriate application" or "to notice and begin where you are right now". It is a therapeutic specific practice that addresses the muscular structure, physiological and emotional body.

Ayurveda is a sister science to yoga that includes breath practices, self care, weight reduction and weight management guidelines.

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What Students Say

  • I belong here
  • Enjoyed learning insights to connecting to my body
  • Yoga has motivated me to make healthier choices in my diet
  • I never knew what it was like to stretch my back
  • I don't have any more panic and anxiety attacks, and prior to yoga they were daily
  • I know how to breathe
  • Soreness is reduced and range of motion has increased
  • I have less road rage
  • I am not hungry after yoga
  • I don't think I have lost too much weight but my clothes feel more spacious
  • Yoga gave me self confidence
  • I know how to relax now
  • Helped my pain
  • I am more aware of my body and what it can do
  • Given me an impetus to make other changes in my life: try aqua fit, start the Weight Wise program
  • I can get down onto the floor to play with my grandchild
  • Yoga is the first activity I have been able to commit to
  • I never skip because I am tired as yoga defeats tired
  • I am stronger and more balanced
  • I sleep better
  • Yoga has truly helped me on all levels
  • I feel my stress level is better and feel better mentally
  • Happy the class exists and to be part of it